Mason just turned 9, but is still at a 2-3 year old stage developmentally. So he loves to help, with just about everything. One of his favorites is helping with laundry.
Yesterday, I asked Asia to check on him. She called from the other room, “MOMMY!”. I ran and looked. And there he was, sitting on the floor, in front of the washer (front loader) and dryer, both doors wide open, trying madly to put the clothes back into the dryer. He also had the almost empty bottle of liquid detergent right there, with the lid off. He was helping Mommy with the laundry!!
Right now the washing machine is going for about the 7th time, trying to rinse out all the bubbles. There were a lot of them!! More work for mommy!
It made me think of a relationship with God. Very often we try to ‘help’ Him, not realizing our limitations. You see, Mason often helps me with loading and unloading the machines, but he is not ready for pouring the detergent. How often do we go ahead and “help” other people for God, yet end up making more work for Him in the end?
Bottom line: Help God where He is asking you to be. Don’t interfere, or try to initiate something on your own. If you wait for Him, He will guide you through whatever you are meant to do, with the best results! And keep quiet until God asks you to say something!
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