Welcome to Mason's Web page! We built the first website, www.bluesticker.com/mason, for our family and friends to quickly check and see what's going on. Our source of peace, strength, and guidance through something like this can only be from God and the prayers that support us. Thank you for your prayers and taking time to visit! Feel free to share this blog with others.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Purple Day

Monday, March 23, 2009
The plus of being in the hospital is you have more Docs checking him out and brainstorming. The Doc in charge of the floor last week, likes to tweak VNS pacemakers. He got a little creative with the cycle times, pulse width and amp strength. Based on those new settings, when Travis had his big seizure the swiping of the magnet stopped the seizure within seconds which is a far cry from the minute or two (which you know feels like an eternity) we were used to.
So I have to set up an appointment with his pediatric neurologist - who was kept informed but wasn't able to see Travis at the hospital he was in because he was in charge of the monitoring floor at one of the new hospitals that just opened up.
I'm feeling a little better about Travis' seizures, they adjusted med doses to his new weight so between that and the VNS settings perhaps we can get him seizure free for a little while.
I feel bad because people who don't understand this process seem disappointed that there was no clear cut solution and as you know there is no easy way to explain it except that its just so complex when you are dealing with the brain.
Thanks for all your encouragement and the request for prayer from all of those who know you.
Allergies and Seizures
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Moments Ago ....
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring Break
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
March is Epilepsy Awareness Month!

Here are some Quick Facts (from purpleday.org)
Epilepsy affects approximately 1 in 100 people.
At least 1 in every 10 people will have one seizure in their lifetime.
There are approximately 300,000 Canadians living with epilepsy.
There are approximately 3 million Americans living with epilepsy.
There are approximately 50 million people around the world living with epilepsy.
Epilepsy is NOT contagious. Epilepsy is NOT a disease. Epilepsy is NOT a psychological disorder.
Find many more interesting facts about Epilepsy at