Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day Three

Today, Tuesday, was a good day :) Mason slept through the night all the way to 6:30. I did notice he had some seizures in his sleep, which is pretty normal.

Around 9 am he suddenly ran into our bedroom yelling `daddy`s bed!` And so he and I took a lovely nap.

My memory is quite unreliable right now, so I can`t remember exactly how many seizures he had today, but it was extremely minimal in the morning.

I took Mason to school around 11. It looked like he was having seizure It sounds like he was having absence seizures at school, blanking out or pausing in the middle of doing stuff. He was away for the evening and it sounds like he was his normal self. :)

During one of his seizures on Sunday, Mason started giggling hysterically and saying 'noise' and pointing to his head. Apparently the seizure was triggering a sound in his head that he was enjoying!

On Monday he again started giggling and said, "seizure...tickle". I asked him where it tickled. He pointed to his tummy.

So in spite of having so many seizures, they never seemed to upset him. Rather, some of them created some rather pleasant sensations for him. Tiny blessings ;)

As I sit here and reflect over the last few days, I am overwhelmed with extreme gratitude to God for taking care of us! I never felt a sense of panic, we had great support with Kim and Tony dropping whatever they were doing to come to the hospital to help, a lot of prayer support and encouraging words from soooo many people. And eventually everything worked out with the medical support.

Please do keep praying for our boy :) And thank you for doing so!

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