The end of the first day.
Socially, Mason has had a blast! Lots of visitors! Mason has been very well entertained! :) Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! He's had lots of fun playing Wii, games, and toys. ( Now he wants a Wii!! wanting something he doesn't have is also developmental progress that is fairly recent :)
Mason has refused to use the bed. We got him in for a few minutes, then I put up one of the sides and that was it! Gone. Back on the floor mat. So that's his bed and play area while we're here. He's been really cooperative for the most part. He's stayed on the mat really well. A few rough moments here and there. I've discovered that if there are plenty of people here, he is quite content.
Seizures: :( Haven't seen much. He's had about 6 or 7 tiny ones. I have even tried traumatizing him to trigger a seizures. Making him really upset and to cry hard usually triggers a strong seizure at home. Didn't work. Wait and pray. Waking at night or early morning (5 or 6 am) is our best chance for a bigger seizure.
The picture of Mason in his ready jammies was taken 15 minutes ago, getting ready to go to sleep. He just konked out. He falls asleep fast. It's bright as day in here, and will be all night.
I'll be here on the blog soon after I know anything more. Right now I have people lined up to come in until Tuesday afternoon. If the doctors decide they need more data, I'll post that here and then I will need people to come in Tuesday mid-afternoon, evening, late evening, someone overnight, Wednesday morning and Wednesday early afternoon.
my turn for a few zzzz's
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