The first half of the ride in went well. Asia and a friend came along. Half way in to Children's Mason wanted to go to sleep, which of course, he couldn't. We deprived him of sleep for two nights. A little while later he started the 'throw up cough'. I brought containers along. As soon as we got out of the car in the parking lot, he threw up. Being so over tired and getting upset at us for not letting him sleep caused it. That's happened before.
As soon as that was over, he felt great and went into the hospital quite happily. We went over to the play area and waited. After a while he suddenly decided he wanted to go home. After chasing him around (screaming) in the cafe and foyer of this big hospital, we finally got him settled and he dozed off. When we attempted to carry him in to his appointment(20 minutes late already) he woke up and started screaming again. We ended up strapping him into a wheelchair and racing to the EEG appointment, where he calmed right down. Spongebob helped! He let the technician prepare his head for the leads while in the wheelchair. But when it came time to glue, he freaked out. We got a hold of him and got him onto the table wrapped him in a sheet then a couple of layers of huge velcro straps. LOTS of crying and fighting. It took about an hour for the process.
Coming up to the room was not a problem and for the most part he has been playing well on a floor mat. He refuses to sit in the bed. He also keeps wanting to go home. There have been a few times that he has pulled at his 'pony tail' of wires. The little backpack that the wires are attached to gets him upset as well.
We've had various friends coming to help entertain Mason and bring toys to play with. This has been so wonderful! Mason really likes having visitors! And more are coming! :)
Asia will be staying overnight with me. What a helpful daughter she is!!!!
Mason has had 3 or 4 tiny seizures. So pray for some big ones!
Well, another visitor has arrived for Mason! Much excitement!
God, it seems a little weird to be praying for seizures - but you know what has to happen. We ask you for enough big seizures for the doctors to get the data they need to make a wise decision. Lord - if you will it - you could heal Mason without any doctors. We know that and yet it seems that this is the path you have for the Martens family at this time. Lord - we thank You that You are ENOUGH in any and every situation. Show Your presence, Lord. Help Mason to endure the tangle of wires and the back pack and not being able to go home... yet. Thank You for the friends who can go in and help and for the others who are praying. God, be glorified.
Hi Shirley,
Brett kept asking about Mason today and he wanted to pray for him. So sweet. He prayed that Mason would not cry at Children's Hospital and that the tests "on his head" would go well. He also asked me if we could have Mason over to our house again. We'd love that. What a sweetie. Holding you up in prayer.
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