Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Still Moving Forward!

Well, things are continuing on the upswing in Mason’s life, in spite of a slight increase in seizures and I emphasize slight! They are still less intense than they have ever been even at their weakest.

Every week we see new things. In the last few weeks we have seen a dramatic increase in speech, in fact, non stop. Mason is trying to say everything we say, lots of repitition, and communication. Nearly all the words he says are partial most often saying the first part of the word. He has had one session with a speech therapist, and we’ll start up weekly once the paperwork for funding comes through.

Mason still wakes 1 – 3 times each night because of a seizure, althought very occasionally he will sleep until 4 or 6 am. Daryl and I take turns sleeping with him for the remainder of the night after he wakes up, so those are not restful nights sleeping with Mason. Before the surgery he never had a problem going to sleep on his own. But after surgery he became so much more aware that fear and anxiety set in. His imagination must also be increasing, because he seems to have a bad dream occasionally. He wakes up crying differently.

This week we have been catapulted into the “terrible twos”. We’ve been there a few times over the years, but Mason was always easy to distract. Now his general attention span is much longer, and so is his will to do as he pleases. Have you ever tried to BBQ jello? Yeah, doesn’t work, but that’s easier to do than to get Mason to cooperate with us now. A few months ago I mentioned that “time out” is the best thing that has happened here. This week that went out the window. At least two year olds are easy to pick up and handle. Not so with a seven year old weighing fifty-five pounds. Developmentally this is fantastic!! In the past it would last for a little while, then he’d regress again. This time I believe it will continue. . . . for a longgggggg time. We’ll make it through, knowing that good will come of it! J (God, You promised!!)

Mason is off nitrazepam!!!! Yep, he was irritable and moody coming off, but nothing we couldn’t handle. Thanks so very much for your prayers!!

E-mail is such a neat thing! I know we are covered by so many of you in prayer. And in reverse, we get the opportunity to pray for you. Many thanks go to God for you, and we feel privileged to pray for you when you send an e-mail, whether it’s a quick hello, or you too are in need of prayer.

Galatians 6:2 (NLT) Says:
Share each other's troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ.

So thank you for obeying the law of Christ
and giving us the opportunity to do so as well.

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