Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Looking Back...

I found a note I wrote on September 19, 2005 (10 days before surgery):

Tonic Clonic (grand mal) seizure at 7 am. I woke up to Mason's face buried in the blankets and teddy bears. I imagine his breathing was limited. When it was over, he fell asleep again.

Another TC at 8, then again, less severe, at 8:30. He slept until 10:30.

It's so hard to see this happen. The verse in my head lately is where the bible says that God will exceed my expectations. The Amplified version says something to the effect thatt He will do wha we even dare not ask.

While Mason slept, I thought this (didn't pray it, just thought it): Dare I ask for the full restoration of his ability to learn and develop?

"COME BOLDLY" were the words I heard in my head.

OK, so I did.

Then in the afternoon I drove past the church on McMillan. The words on the sign said, "I will sing to the Lord for He has head my cry."

Now, two years and one month later we are seeing exactly this happen. Back then it was an extremely scary thing to pray ... with confidence? I don't know how confident that prayer was because we had seen 5 years of no developmental growth at all. God continues to completely exceed our expectations, as we are seeing non-stop progress!! He has restored Mason's ability to learn!! Notice that the thought to ask for Mason's full restoration was not what I asked for (I don't know why!? I guess it wasn't what God wanted me to ask for!).

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Two Year Update (since surgery)

Well, it’s been a VERY long time since I did an update on Mason and our family. I just checked … five months actually! First let me reassure you that the reason for the gap is because Mason is doing so well. But many of you keep asking when the next update is coming, so I’ll do a quickie timeline of the last few months:

May & June ~ Potty training. Well at school anyway. He was very cooperative with everyone at school. They set him in the bathroom every 10 minutes and he was dry most days. My plan of action was to let him get into the pattern of it at school, then carry it over to home. Yeah… the best laid plans… He decided that he would not do it at home. Plain and simple. And forcing him and trying to bribe him just didn’t work. So I really have no idea how it’s going to come about. They are going to start working on it at school again soon. So that is a huge prayer request: get this boy trained! I think once he decides to want to do it, it will be a matter of days. It’s just getting to that point! (we do get our good-nites and wipes supplied – even delivered to our door) (they’re really good at school with it, and I doubt that his friends know, so don’t tell any little kids!) So between all three kids, I’ve done 13+ years of diapers.
~ Respite Funding. It came through! It is so neat seeing how God will exceed our expectations! The funding came through without a glitch. Well, one glitch … we had to wait an extra month for the first payment. We get direct funding, then choose our respite caregivers. It was in the area of caregivers that God really exceeded our expectations. My first thought was am I going to find enough people to use all this money for? Well, YES! I had people that were available for overnights, some for day hours only, and even some teenagers down at the trailer here and there! I never went without help this summer when I needed it!! And Mason of course loved going with all these different people. He now has several extended families! He is also exposed to many new experiences that he otherwise would not have. The reason we need so much more respite right now is because he is going through a phase where he does not want to cooperate with me very often. We are seeing a LOT of 2/3 year old behaviors. And as I’ve put it before, it’s hard peeling an 8 year old off the road! 2 year olds are easy to pick up!

July & August ~ LOTS of time down at the trailer. (Whatcom Meadows ~ whatcommeadows.com) I had many opportunities to be down there with just the girls, with friends along, the girls and Mason, or with Daryl and the girls. Daryl went to a Mariners game in Seattle with the girls, we all went to Deception Pass beach many times, lots of camp fires, girls went biking, sleepovers with our campground neighbors (their kids are the same age as ours and our families get along well), shopping, walks, swimming, building projects (I built a deck onto the sunroom attached to the trailer this summer all by myself!! The kids helped…). ~ Because of the respite, Daryl and I got away for 5 nights in a row this summer!! First time in nearly 14 years! By the fourth day I was driving Daryl nuts. He kept telling me to relax and read a book. Well I’d done that! I am so not used to relaxing that many days in a row! I’ll try again sometime. Now I know what to expect, and I can plan better for it!
~ Camp Squeah ~ as all summers, the girls spend 5 days at bible camp. This year Asia also went to ‘What A Girl Wants’ 5-day camp at church. (not overnight) It was an amazing week focused on purity. They had a lot of fun, discussion groups, a fashion show and much more. They addressed many, many teen issues, purity, peers, health, modesty, etc. All from biblical perspective. She wants to go again next year! They have a younger aged group that Sydney wants to go to next year.
~ Daryl got lots of golfing in this summer, and I had a lot of unstructured time. I didn’t realize how close to being burnt out I was. The timing for the respite was perfect.

September & October ~ Back to school! Asia is in grade 8 and Sydney is in grade 6. Both in the same middle school. We are happy with the teachers they both have. Both girls are doing well in school and are involved in a few activities. Asia is in grade 8 band (drums) and Jazz band (electric guitar) as well as continuing guitar lessons. Sydney is in grade 6 band (drums) and continues taking piano lessons. Both girls do well in music (a talent they do NOT get from me!). Asia is playing house league soccer and started school cheerleading. Sydney’s new love is basketball, so she has joined Friday Night Basketball (Athletes in Action). And yes, they find time for homework, family, friends and relaxing! After many years of having to baby-sit Mason so I could get a break, they haven’t had to do that anymore. Instead, I find that they are starting to want to play with him! And he of course, adores his sisters. The respite had done more for us as a family than I thought it would.
~ Youth groups for the girls. Asia goes to Vertical Edge (grade 7 & 8) and occasionally plays electric guitar in the VE band. Last time she was going to add to that and sing as well, but she hurt her arm, so couldn’t play guitar, and wasn’t comfortable up front without the guitar. Next time. Sydney has started Jump 6, youth for grade sixes, something she’s waited for since Asia was in grade 6.
~ Mason is in grade 3 as well as the Special Ed class. The combination works so well for him and he loves school.
~ I am back at being involved in the women’s ministry at church. I am leading Oasis, the Wednesday morning group and really enjoying it a lot. It’s a lot of work, but the whole team of women is great! I am learning so much, being guided by our women’s pastor, and from so many others! Our theme this year is Pay it Forward – God’s Love, and we make a plan of action each week to reach out. We are definitely pushing past our comfort zones a bit!

Mason Progress Report ~ Seizures ~ In general, they’ve gradually been going up since last winter. Still very slight compared to what they were before surgery. We adjusted meds a bit, which seemed to help, although that brought on some Tourette Syndrome-like vocal tics, which sounded like grunts last spring. That wore off, but we still see some physical tics on occasion. One of his medications has that as a rare side effect. Mason will be having an EEG and Dr. appointment sometime around January, so we’ll ask more questions then if all continues as it is. Mason started sleeping through the night a year ago, but started waking at night with seizures again in the last few months. (I don’t keep close records like I used too, so I lose track of time/days/months) This summer Mason got grass allergies and hay fever. He’s never had that before, but they did a number on his seizures. He had a few more per day, and they were more intense. Because of his medications, we are not able to give him cough meds or allergy meds. But I finally called the pharmacist and begged for something. He was sneezing so hard, and his face was red and swollen. So she gave me something for him. It calmed the allergies as well as the seizures. He started sleeping through the night again! So that’s another area to explore. I think we may be looking into allergy testing and seeing if there is a link there. I’m continuing to give him the allergy meds even though that season is over. When I stop, I see an increase in seizures again and waking at night. So he may have something else going on.

~ Development ~ WOW! Amazing, Incredible!! It’s been just over two years since his surgery, and I think he has gained two years of development in that time!! We see changes every week, nearly every day. So I’ll try to list off some examples.
~ huge increase in vocabulary. ~ Mason is trying hard to say full words. Example: house (instead of hou__), cat (instead of ca_) etc. ~ He is very willing to repeat/practice words nearly all the time.
~ We have begun copying sentences in speech therapy. Example: when he and I were driving home the other day and he said: “dad … hockey”. So I had him repeat after me one word at a time: “dad … is … watching … hockey”. We must have done that at least 20 times! And there was noticeable improvement in his words and the speed in putting them together in that short time. Today, after lots of coaching, he said “I … want … cheese”. All by himself!! Lots of cheering! His speech therapist is loving working with him, kids with special needs that learn this fast are less than rare!
~ He understands what we’re saying even when we “talk around” the subject! ~ He can verbally spell his name sometimes. He’ll pretend to ‘write’ and say the letters of his name. (I remember when the girls were around 2 or 3 and they thought they were actually printing words!!)

~ He really knows what he wants and can often, brokenly,
communicate that to us. When he can’t communicate, or wants his own way, or wants something he can’t have, we see his very strong will! Thankfully time-out still works. ~ He wants to do everything we do! Pour milk, cereal, set the table, make toast. One morning he was determined to make his own toast. He put the bread in the toaster, pushed it down. Got a plate while he waited. Toast popped, he took it out and put it on the plate. I got the jam ready, but he scooped it and spread it on the toast. Putting the jam on took him about 5 minutes – he enjoyed doing this himself so much. He poured his own milk, with a bit of help from mommy. He then took his breakfast around the other side of the counter and ate it. Very proud of himself! We are seeing a lot of these kinds of things.

~ He acts out a lot with me, Mommy. Behaviors that I see all the time, he seldom does with other people. I get great reports from everyone who takes him for respite, and even school – although he’s acting out a smidge more at school than he used to. The word ‘no’ is being heard more there, now.
~ He had a Dr. appointment at Childrens Hospital in July. It was more of a ‘show and tell’ session than a doctor visit! From their reactions, I am certain that Mason is not typical of the results they see. I can only attribute this to the work God is doing. Your prayers, past, present, and future, are all a part of His work!
~ He goes to Church with us. That started a year and a half ago, and for the first while I spent the whole time with him in the preschool area with the toys. It felt so wonderful to attend church as a whole family! Even if I missed most of it. We had a young woman volunteer to assist him for a year which was wonderful! Mason loved it and really did well in following the routines in Kidstown and church. We’ve had some others start to help out there as well. And Mason loves going to church! Well, that seems like it was a bit longer than the ‘quickie timeline’, but it really only scratches the surface of the ongoing changes we see.

Left to right:
Asia, Shirley, Mason, Daryl, Sydney

Monday, May 14, 2007

Daily Miracles

Hello all!

The adventures carry on here. Mason continues to amaze us all the time.

This Mother’s Day weekend, Pastor Bev prayed for the moms in a beautiful long list of detail, including the moms of kids with special needs. She prayed about the ‘daily miracles’. A few of things impacted me as she prayed this. 1. Others have a window into what God is doing in my life as a mom to Mason. 2. Yes, there ARE daily miracles, even when they seem non-existent. 3. How often I overlook the daily miracles in the lives of our daughters in their own struggles, even if they aren’t as drastic as Mason’s.

So here are some of those daily miracles!
· In the last few weeks Mason has started ‘telling’ us about his day! For example: Auntie Kim played with him in the back yard last week. A couple of hours after she left, Mason looks at me and says, “Kim…….. pay……..box.” He was telling me that Kim had played with him in the sand box! WOW!!!
· He also gets it into his head that he wants to go to the trailer. He is starting to think abstract. Normally he says words that have to do with what he can see or touch – right now. Lately he just says “…ler” (trailer) out of the blue, which means he’s thinking about it without us saying anything. Saturday he wouldn’t get out of the car because he had decided he was going to the “….ler”.
· He is modifying his behavior a little more often when given the choice to obey Mommy, or go to his room for time-out. Putting him on the couch for time-out just doesn’t seem to be working any more. He does not like getting locked in his room for that minute or two!
· Words. He keeps getting more of them and is saying them better. After years of “yeah” or “yup”, in the last two days he has started saying “yes”. Sounding a bit like “yesh”. He wants to speak so much. He tries so hard and repeats us a lot. Most of the time if we tell him to say something he will, eagerly. Then when I want to show him off, he just clams up.
· He fights with the girls more. Yeah, fun….. I keep trying to tell the girls that this is what typical brothers do. They still get mad at him!! I changed vehicles in December. 5 year old Acura MDX - 7 SEATS!!!! Not as big as a van, I liked my Honda Accord because I could zip around. The Acura is actually shorter than my car was! So I can still make easy u-turns for all the times I pass the street I’m supposed to turn at! Now the girls sit in the third row most of the time. They arrive home without injuries, and Mommy is just that much more relaxed and in control of her emotions.
· School. Mason still loves it. I pop into his special ed class often, and he gives me a big hug, or just says “mom” half a dozen times. But he doesn’t cry, he knows he’ll see mommy soon again! The elementary school is doing a musical this week and all the kids are involved. Apparently Mason is actually doing quite well at the choreographed dance steps his grade 2 class is doing!!
· Chalk drawing on the sidewalk. He often takes that chalk and makes little strokes as he says, “M….A….O….N”. He practices ‘writing’ his name a lot at school. He tries to draw a ‘face’.
· Mason loves watching all kinds of TV shows and movies. He is repeating so much of what he hears on the TV, songs, actions. Same with games he plays on the computer.
www.starfall.com is an amazing website for learning to read. Well the alphabet and numbers for Mason for now, but it has up to Grade 1 or 2 level stuff!!
· A miracle-to-be: potty training. So far not even a glimpse of it, but one day…………. Thankfully the ‘goodnights’ and other supplies are funded and get delivered.
· We’ve just had an increase in respite funding, and our social worker is looking for more funding for us. Recently we went for a little walk up the street. 6 houses or so. Then Mason decided he didn’t want to go back home with me. Once again the ‘crisis management hold’ was put into effect. But he still pulled up his feet, and I could carry him a few steps, then had to rest. Thankfully my neighbor offered to help and grabbed his legs and we carried him home that way…. Screaming …. Mason that is, although I was inside! But exhausting. Hopefully he becomes easier to manage as his weight and height increase.
· Mason LOVES going to church. He jumps, claps, and squeals during the up-beat music. Sometimes he even shouts “more!”. Enthusiasm without reserve! One time during a slower song of worship, I watched him as he slowly lifted his right hand. He was watching it go up. It looked as though his hand was being pulled up and Mason was just watching it. Was God drawing Mason to himself in that moment? Mason doesn’t have the intellect most of us have, but I believe that God does meet him and communicate with Mason in His own unique way. Child-like faith.
Well that should be all for tonight. There are, of course, many more stories, but you’ve had lots to read for today! Thanks, by the way. Your continued support is so appreciated!!


New prayer request:
· Crystal – my second cousin, and family friend growing up – my age, single mom of four – just found out a few days ago that she has 6 tumors. 4 in her brain, 2 on her spinal cord, plus one cyst on her spinal cord. Surgery is coming up for the largest one golf ball size at the back of her brain. Here are her personal prayer requests:
· Prayer requests For now:
· The Doctors - well rested and confident
· the surgery - no cancellations or delays
· No complications - bleeding , infections, freak laryngoscope accidents
· Peace and assurance for me and My family
· That, above all, God will be glorified!

Previous prayer updates:
· 10 year old Cailyn continuing cancer treatments.
· Auntie Darlene. I had the awesome opportunity to fly to Winnipeg for a few days last weekend to see her. (thanks Daryl!!!) I got to spend time with her and Uncle Frank and their daughters. She is nearing the end. She wants to go home now. She is so ready to meet Jesus. Pray that it will come quickly and without any further pain. Thank-you Auntie Darlene for your endless encouragements to me.
…but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

Friday, March 23, 2007

Spring Break

Hello all!!!!
Well, we’re nearing the end of two weeks of Spring Break. School starts in less than 4 days. Mason needs it badly. We started off with the time change at the start of the break, and he has still not adjusted. I think back to school will help. He’s been quite uncooperative for the most part, much like the Christmas break. I think he’s really out of sync when he’s not in school. He’s had sleepovers and day visits at Grandpa and Grandma Martens, Auntie Kim & Uncle Tony, and some respite, so he’s had LOTS of fun, but he’s ready to get back into routine. So am I.
The girls just returned from nearly two weeks away. They were in Manitoba with Grandpa and Grandma Wiebe, Auntie Connie & Uncle Zac, Auntie Lisa & Uncle Kevin, and all their cousins. I asked them what their favorite part was and they rattled off ALL the names of the people they spent time with. They really got “familied up”!! G & G drove out and picked them up, then the girls flew home all by themselves for the first time ever. This will be a trip they will never forget!
This whole learning thing with Mason is just not ending!! He can put on his own shoes (mostly on the wrong foot!) and his own jacket. He puts it down on the floor, puts his hands into the sleeved up-side-down then flips it over his head and “tada” it’s on! Last week he went to play outside (one of few days that it didn’t rain on the break) and got out his little plastic T-ball set. He put that ball on the T, showed me where he threw the bat over the fence. (I had to go get it –hoping that Julius – the Doberman dog – wasn’t outside). Mason grabbed that bat and swung at the ball and hit it and it went flying 25 feet!! Now I’ll take you back to last summer – the last time he played with it. We kept showing him how to hit it properly, and he would practice swing with us many times. Then when he’d go to hit it, it was a vertical thump on top of the ball!!! Every single time!! So this was a HUGE surprise to me to see him hit it with great accuracy and hard – and properly!! Then he did it over and over! I was running to keep from being hit, that would have hurt!
His “printing” has improved a lot too. He used to scribble big wild scribbles all over the page. Now he takes his pencil and does short strokes like he’s trying to write! All the while he’s naming off various letters of the alphabet at random.
Mason is repeating words we say with great enthusiasm. He is also willing to be taught to repeat after us. It used to be so random, now it’s daily. We have also noticed that he is starting to become aware of his “inside voice”. He’s never had that before. In fact since surgery it’s gotten louder. And he has a “bold” voice to begin with. His little boy cousin in Winnipeg apparently has the same one!!
Here are some ideas to help you pray for us:
Ø Patience for Mommy and Daddy, as Mason tends to behave the worst with us. He gets very strong willed and says “ME” a lot, wanting to have his own way. Very much in that two year old stage, but 65 pounds. I took him to the pet store to get cat food yesterday. Usually he likes it, but this time I ended up having to peel him off the floor, while he’s screaming, grab him in the “crisis management hold”, and drag him out to the car while EVERYBODY is watching. Not that that bothers me too much. Thankfully autism is getting so well known, most people assume that is what he has once they clue in that this boy isn’t as typical as he looks! But I sure am grateful that we can use the handicap parking near the doors! This is all part of the developmental process, and he has to go through it – so we’re thankful for that, but his size and volume add a … let’s say … ‘challenge’?!?!
Ø Mason’s seizures have been increasing a bit over the last month. Normally they seem to happen mostly at night or upon waking. Lately we’ve been seeing more at supper time. They are all still VERY mild compared to before surgery, but we need to keep them at bay. We haven’t increased med in about 2 years, and he’s grown and gained weight in that time, so the concentration is getting lower in his body. So I hope it’s just a matter of having the meds catch up to his weight. We started a small increase this week, and may go up a bit more next week. The neurologist, via the nurse, said he is not on high doses now, so we have plenty of room to increase meds if needed.
Daryl’s Aunt ~ I mentioned her in my last e-mail. She has had an immune disorder for many years, which had been in remission for quite some time, although it left her unable to hear. Well that returned a while back, her Cochlear hearing implant stopped functioning, then she got Bells Palsy (partial paralysis on one side of her face??), shingles in one eye (is now blind in that eye), then got an infection in the other eye (nearly unable to see). Last week the doctors informed them that she now has Leukemia. And there is no treatment for the type she has. She will be turning 60 this weekend. As I mentioned last time, she has been an amazing encourager to me over these years of what we’ve gone through with Mason. PLEASE, please take a moment to pray for her and her family. Husband, two daughters and their families. (grandchild #5 on the way)
My former neighbor’s daughter ~ from where I grew up ~ I mentioned her as well in my last e-mail ~ Little 10 year old Cailyn was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago. They have now determined that it’s stage 3 (out of 4). The doctors feel it’s still treatable, but very aggressive treatment and will go on for many months. They had to insert some kind of “line” to give her the chemo. Normally it’s not a difficult procedure, but they had trouble with her and it took 3 ½ hours. And Cailyn screamed that whole time. Because she had post-surgery trouble the week before, they couldn’t sedate her. She seems to have fallen into deep depression as well. Her Grandpa died of cancer last year. So she is a very scared little girl. This really hits me as Sydney is 10, and I can’t imagine her going through something like this.
So thank you for taking a minute or two to pray. I know there are so many people with big trials in their lives and much to deal with. I would also be honored to hear your prayer requests as you “send for help.” Psalm 121:1-3 says: “I look up to the mountains—does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.” (NLT)

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hello Everyone!

Well it's been nearly six months since I filled you in out the latest with Mason. He just continues to amaze us all the time. Comprehension levels keep going up and he's been putting two word phrases more frequently. So much of it is baby steps, but we notice every detail of progress. We just take for granted that the girls continue to progress that we don't notice the details as closely.

Christmas was a blast! NOT! The neat thing was that Mason understood what the gifts were about! In the past we would let him play with his gift beforehand so that he could get excited when he recognized it when he opened it. All the excitement though, increased his seizures a bit, and made him VERY incorrigible!!! Cranky, uncooperative - stressful. All of it was progress, but difficult. That first Monday back to school was Christmas Vacation to me!!! Since then he's been doing a lot better in the behavior department.

I wanted to tell you a bunch of 'Mason stories' today, but I'm kinda thick with a head cold. Got it from Mason! He's a kid that next-to-never gets sick. But last week he did catch a cold and on Tuesday afternoon the fever came on. Then it triggered a status (seizure that doesn't stop) seizure . The seizure ended up lasting 3 hours that night. In him it was mostly staring off with watery eyes and a bit of eye rolling. Status increases body temp, so they feed off each other and that's when we need extra intervention. (The last time he had a fever, nearly 2 years ago, we needed IV fluids to get the temp down when the Tylenol didn't help at all.) It was a hard decision to make, because Mason didn't look like he was having a seizure. I knew the signs, so I had to explain over and over to the ambulance guys, nurses and doctor. I felt so sad for him because he was scared of the ambulance, then of the hospital. Because of his greatly increased level of awareness since surgery, he now gets scared, knows he's scared, and was saying "cared" all the way in. :-( Yet it was really neat to see him able to express his emotions! Bittersweet.

This time Advil worked at the hospital - they give a higher dose than we normally do at home. 15-20 minutes later I saw the "seizure look" on his face just go away. I touched his forehead and it was cool. No IV was needed!!!! That's a whole event that takes 4 people to get done. I called the ambulance around 7:30 and I called Daryl to pick us up at 8:40. Fast!!! There were a couple of people who knew and prayed. :-) I kept sane!!! And Mason was pretty good after a while at the hospital.

What I didn't expect was tears near the surface (me). It was a big flashback to what life used to be like on a daily basis. Not the hospital part, but the ongoing crisis or near-crisis. Always being on edge, watching. Emotions having to be set aside regularly to be able to function to help my baby. How amazing the last year and a half has been to not be dealing with that all the time!!!!

We also now have the Special Needs Bus come to our door!!!! It picks up Mason and Sydney every morning, and drops them off!! I'd been trying to get that for over two years! It's very exciting for Mason and much less stressful for me!

Well, I should try to get to bed earlier than usual today. Get over this cold........


I also want to say thanks for praying for the people in trouble that I e-mailed about recently.
- Malcolm, my cousin's husband is at home and on the mend. (serious flesh-eating disease) He is able to walk, and they are doing skin grafts to fix that leg which was eaten away. He has been quite overwhelmed that you ( and a couple of other prayer groups) would pray for him!
- Daryl's aunt had surgery for shingles in her eye, but is still at risk to get that in her other eye as well as several other medical conditions flaring up, keeping her in the hospital.

New prayer request:
- I just have to ask this because my heart breaks for this family. The mom was a very close friend to my sister, as well as being our neighbors, growing up - small community - they still keep in touch:

Cailyn just turned 10 years old on Feb. 24.
Friday, Feb 23 Cailyn had a severe stomach ache so they took her to the Hospital. It was discovered that there was a large mass in her abdomen. Surgery was done on Wednesday when the larger than a grapefruit tumor was removed as well as one ovary. The one ovary was completely infected and the tumor was sucked on to a number of different organs but had apparently not infected them. It was also discovered that the tumor had ruptured as well, spilling tumor cells all over the inside of her abdomen. This happened probably at the time of the severe stomach pain the previous Friday or possibly even at the onset of surgery. Not all of the pathology reports are back but yes, this is cancer. It is a relatively rare one called germ cell cancer. Generally this is a very treatable type of cancer although the size of the tumor, the rupturing of the tumor, and even what the final lab tests determine may make it a bigger challenge. Starting tomorrow (Monday) they will be doing tests to determine if the cancer is anywhere else particularly the lungs and bones as that is what this cancer sometimes goes. They meet with the doctors again on Friday and the plan is to start chemo on the following Monday. She will be staying in the hospital for the first 3 weeks of treatment to keep an eye on her as well as help manage pain and nausea.

As for how she is doing now, she did great following the surgery and there was talk of letting her out of the hospital for a few days. That changed on Saturday when she ended up with a high fever and vomiting. Saturday was a rough day for her.

The family will be getting a family picture taken this week. After that, sometime on the weekend, they plan on buzz cutting her hair. They were told that is a lot less traumatic than having big chunks of it fall off and that will probably happen within the first 2-3 days of the start of the chemo.


2 Corinthians 1:3,4 Message: All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.