Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can it be True?!?!

What would you do if something amazing happened that you never thought could happen? Something you never even dared to hope for? Can you think of something right now? We're in a small Bible study group with a couple of other families, kids and all, going through the book of Mark. Because we've read the stories many times over the years, they've lost some of their shock value. But while we were discussing these stories, adults and kids - and kids come up with some interesting concepts - I thought of the shock and surprise the people hanging around Jesus must have felt. Stories of a wild, crazy man who was so strong that he could break off the chains he was bound with, a woman suffering for years - having gone to every doctor, tried every treatment - and a little girl who died. With only a word, a command, a man instantly becomes sane, well. By only touching Jesus' clothes, a woman is healed of her illness. With a touch and a word, Jesus brings a little girl back to life.

Can you imagine the amazement these people experienced? Have you ever witnessed or heard first-hand of something almost to hard to believe? This is our God! He's unpredictable, does things His way, different each time, and I think he takes pleasure in surprising us. I know I have a blast surprising my kids with something I know they've longed for.

I am in the midst of feeling amazed, surprised and I really find it hard to believe. Mason is toilet trained! We don't have to remind him to go to the bathroom, he goes on his own. He hasn't had an accident in two or three weeks. And he's even dry overnight quite often!

How often I have prayed and thought, 'if only Mason would be potty trained, even for only the daytimes', but after changing his diapers for nearly 11 years, that seemed pretty impossible. You know, it's not that I didn't believe it could happen, rather it's that we don't always get what we want, and we usually don't know what we really need. Don't get me wrong, I have begged and cried for this to happen. How often did the woman who touched Jesus pray that God would heal her? 12 years worth.

Once again, God is, I believe, grinning from ear to ear watching us in our amazement. We're getting excited over poop in the toilet and giving 'poop gifts'! Hearing squeals of delight, "I peed!! WOO HOO!!"

So why does God heal and give us these amazing surprises? Want to know how I understand it? (then keep reading... :)

We live in a broken world. It wasn't always that way. God created the heavens and the earth and designed it for His greatest creation, mankind. The first couple messed it up by doing the one thing God told them not to do, resulting the introduction of sin into His perfect creation. This also broke the relationship God had with the first man and woman. So since that time, He has been in the process of restoration. He gives us opportunity to a restored relationship with Him, the Father, through Jesus. In His death and return to life, Jesus took onto himself the sin of the world, all of it for all time. As we acknowledge this and accept it, the Father removes our sin - our shortfall of being able to attain perfection and holiness, no matter how hard we try - and as a result, accepts us into a relationship with Him. He replaces what He took away - sin - with Himself, the Holy Spirit. Thus we get a taste of what a complete relationship will be when He returns and restores the earth at the end of time.

I believe surprises like healing the sick and toilet training kids with special needs give us a glimpse of what it will be like in that day. We were living in a constant state of changing diapers (not baby ones anymore) and cleaning up horrific messes. Our world is in a constant state of things being as they should not be. I now have a stack of 'good nites' I don't need. The miracles around us reassure us that soon the world will once again be as it was designed. Little reminders that God is at work.

We still see many miracles happening with Mason. God is constantly at work. He's always there with us in the worst of times. There's an awful lot that I just don't understand, but I trust Him. he loves my kids more that I ever could. I trust Him.

Go and read Mark 5. Imagine yourself in the place of the person healed, or in the place of the people watching it. Watch what Jesus is doing in the stories. Look for what He's doing today. He's doing something amazing!

Let your mouth drop in amazement.......

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mason Hospital update

Here's a little update on the up-coming hospital stay.

I received a phone call from our neurologist's nurse today. They have a little girl that lives up north that is doing very poorly, having drop seizures (like Mason used to have) and they would like to get her in as soon as possible for the Intensive monitoring because they want to do the Corpus Callosotomy on her asap. So Mason's appointment may be moved back by two weeks. We're fine with that, if it means that little girl can get in sooner. :)

There is a chance they can book both Mason and that little girl for Monday. I really have no preference, other than I've lined up a bunch of people to come in and visit Mason. But hopefully that could easily be changed. I should know in the next couple of days. I think I slightly lean to keeping the current date.

I asked a few questions about future dates:

The doctors will most likely be conferencing to discuss Mason at the end of February. If they decide he is a good candidate for the resection surgery (remove a portion of his brain where the seizures are originating), it would be about 6 - 8 weeks later. So that would put us in April for brain surgery.

I'm not sure just how I feel about the possibility of brain surgery again, mostly it doesn't feel real at all. Like looking at the calendar and seeing my girls' upcoming dentist appointment. But thinking of the possibility of no seizures, or even less seizures..... I can't get my head wrapped around that.

So I ask for your prayers for the upcoming appointment, whichever date it happens to be. Pray for the little girl that needs to get in urgently. Pray for peace for our family as we contemplate the surgery. It doesn't feel desperate like last time. Will that affect the decision?

Also pray for the start of Imagine...Respite. A new thing for families in the community that have a child with special needs or chronic health issues. there are many families that do not receive government funded respite services (so the parents get a break), so they will be able to drop off their kids (and siblings) for an evening once a month and get a break. The very first one is this Friday. If you know of any families that could use this, email me at for more information. :)

Friday, January 08, 2010

Mason News Flash

Ok, I've neglected updating the blog, but will do so SOON with all the details, or at least the important ones.....

Mason is very nearly toilet trained!!!!!!! I've been imagining changing diapers on a 17 year old and so on.

I have a request of you. (Jake, you can fly in from Spain, right? Mason would love to have you goofing off with him!)

On January 25, a Monday, Mason will be in at Children's Hospital for Intensive Monitoring. Hopefully only for a day, but could be longer. He will be hooked up to 25 - 30 leads (wires) on his head, plus he must stay in one area, like the bed, so that he remains within view of the video camera. I really really need help this time. he's getting bigger and can be strongwilled.....

I would like to 'invite' you to come in shifts to help entertain him. and give me a few minutes here and there to nap. I expect we'll be in overnight. The lights will remain on and bright all night. He needs to be watched closely the whole time.

So...... if you could come in at any point, say Monday or Tuesday, day or night, please let me know. Once you have emailed me with your availabilites, I will put together a schedule so that Mason is entertained a lot. Mommy gets boring very quickly. If you cannot afford the cost of the gas to go in, I am willing to help with that.

The purpose for this testing is to see if Mason is a candadate for brain surgery again... different kind than he already had. One step at a time......


Oh yeah, and pray for lots of seizures during the hospital stay. :) Once we're home, pray the opposite :)
