Monday, May 11, 2009

Old Patterns Resurfacing

I've been noticing a few patterns, from the first few seizure years, resurfacing.
~ seizures at meal times ~ I haven't figured out why, but for some reason meals used to trigger a cluster of seizures. We've been seeing that happen again over the last few months.
~ 1 am seizures ~ I used to stay up until Mason had his first cluster of 'night seizures'. Back then, nearly every time I would decide to go to bed at a decent time, he would seizure shortly after I fell asleep. Then I couldn't get back to sleep, so I would just wait for the first round before going back to bed. He would also be awake (and alert and happy) for quite a while before falling back asleep. So this is starting to occur again. (so I may as well be blogging!) He's awake right now reading a book. Well, actually, pressing the noisy buttons on his book. Go back to sleep, boy!!

A pattern that has NOT resurface, is the lack of learning. He's still moving forward! Nothing I can explain, other than the grace of God. :) Today he peeled 4 hard-boiled eggs. And he did a good job. Unusual, but something new!

We truly are thankful for each day that Mason is doing well. Even though what 'well' looks like is constantly changing! I'm reminded of the old hymn, It is Well with my Soul:

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll;
whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

Our 'lot' keeps changing, but we can depend on Jesus, who is our Anchor, because he is Truth.

Well, Mason has fallen back asleep now. G'night!


Michelle said...

Praying for a better nights sleep for yourself and Mason tonight!

Flo said...

Wow, I'm catching up Shirley. Love the cat story - so incredibly sweet and Praise God that the gates are down. Quite an adjustment for you guys as well.

Praying for sleep for you. I get the staying up until things settle. Sometimes better than being woken up.

How did it go at Sunnyhill today? If there's anything I can do or info to provide, please let me know. If you do get the diagnosis, I know someone wonderful that might be available to work with Mason. Praying for that funding for you.