Right now, Mason and Daddy have gone to McDonalds for lunch and then he's off to school.
The neurologist came by and said she had looked at yesterday's EEG a bit. She will be going over it all in detail over the next week and get back to us. But from what she had already seen, it does not look good for surgery. She saw spikes on the EEG on both frontal lobes. They generally do the surgery if they see seizure activity on one side only. Occasionally they may do it if it's 90% on one side. So please pray that there is still a chance for surgery as she and her colleagues review the data. If the answer is no we will continue a lifetime of trying different meds, none of which will eliminate the seizures.
Next step: After the results are determined, and the answer is no, he will start a new medication that is not available in Canada. It would be ordered from Australia.
Thanks again for your prayers and support! :-)
Nap time!!!
that's great you got to go home, this explains why none of my phone calls have gone through. there's no one to answer them!! Hopefully all goes well for you. :)
WELCOME HOME MASON The pictures of you in hospital were great. I am praying for all your family keep smiling. Love you all Pat
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