Tuesday, September 14, 2004

School - day five

Each day is getting better for Mason as he gets used to school. Friday I decided to stay to see if that would lessen his anxiety. (his seizures have been increasing because of the stress) It actually made it worse, so now I cut it quick at the door. A cute little story though . . . we ( me, Mason and his special needsteacher- Ms. S) had been walking down the hall, went into the kindergarten room a bit, then to the water fountain just outside the door. I pressed the button so Mason could drink. It went up his nose a few times which he thought was very funny. After a couple of minutes, I signalled Ms. S to come and press the button. I didn't move, and she stood behind him and pressed the button without him noticing it. Shortly Mason did notice! He grabbed her hand and shoved it back. Grabbed my hand and put it on the button and kept his hand on my hand. He knew what we were up to, and was not going to let us pull the wool over his eyes again!!!
Yesterday he pulled me into the classroom but cried as I left. Apparently he stopped within a minute or two.
Today he made a couple of quick complaining sounds before going into the classroom. Once again he pulled me into the classroom, only this time HE let go of my hand as he stepped through the door!! He did not cry at all!! Very exciting!!
Keep on praying, children of God!!!

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