Sunday, October 16, 2005

10 days seizure free!!!

Could it get any better??? Actually yes. We have seen huge changes developmentally as well as behaviorally. We really are having to get to know a new child! Mason went away for respite this weekend (he’s coming back this afternoon) . I thought there would be problems with separation anxiety, but no!!! An hour and a half after dropping him off, I got a phone call from this lovely young couple “What did you do with the old Mason?” He’s focusing on his toys, not running from one thing to another every few seconds, happy, talking, trying to copy what we say (single words still). The only negative part is that our ears are ringing by the end of the day from all his non-stop chatter!!! I think he has progressed more in the last couple of weeks, than the last three years!

Although we have not seen any seizures, tests in the future will tell us what kind of activity is going on inside his brain.

With Mason being such a sponge right now, I can’t wait for him to get back into school. He spent a couple of hours in grade one the day before the teachers strike began. He cried so much thinking I was going to leave him. So I stayed as well. Hopefully it will be fine when he does go back. His grade one teacher is very accepting of him. Both she and the kids don’t seem to be bothered by his noise.

It is so amazing to see the far reaching effects these e-mails about Mason have. I’m realizing more that they are touching a lot of people I don’t even know. These e-mails getting forwarded on to others, articles in the CMC Chronicle (church I grew up in) going out to even more people

God had a plan for this boy’s life long before the seizures began. A plan for good, and to prosper him, for hope and a future (Jeremiah 29). And he’s only 6! Mason has a family that loves him dearly, and he affectionately loves back. ( he is very kissy lately) He is so generous with his smiles and kisses to friends so many others in his life. His face and eyes (one brown – one hazel) light up so genuinely it is quite infectious. All of you who read this are a part of the plan as well!! His life is meant (as is with all of us) to bring glory to God and I want to thank you all for letting me use this medium to do that for him.


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