Saturday, October 01, 2005

After Surgery - Wednesday

I am sitting in Mason’s room up on the neurology ward now. He was let out of ICU this morning. Mason is still sleeping quite a bit. It’s so unusual seeing this normally non-stop active boy lay in a bed a lot. But he is doing well. When I spoke with the surgeon this morning he asked me how I felt Mason was doing. I said he was getting a little more alert all the time. Then I asked how he felt about how Mason was doing. He said he was very pleased with how every thing was going.
Mason has had several seizures, although not nearly as severe. But that is expected for the first few weeks until the swelling goes down.
Mason yanked of the head dressing a little while ago, eliminating the need to ask the dr when to take it off.
Mason has been rubbing his face a lot, so he has been given benadryl now for being itchy. He has been off the morphine for a few hours now, and a bunch of the other hookups are off.
He has been giving us the occasional smile and giggles when we fake sneeze or play peek-a-boo. He has also started kissing his stuffies already. (Daddy bought him a new little white puppy) and we found a little magnadoodle to draw on.
Asia and Sydney are coming to visit Mason tomorrow.
Thanks again for your continued prayers and thoughts!
Love Shirley, via Daryl’s e-mail for the Martens gang
5 hours latter…Daryl here
Mason ate a small box of cheerios and then almost all of his supper.
He’s been awake for 5 hours now doing really good.
The doctors are amazed how well he is doing. Lots of kids are very nauseated…Mason none.
Thanks All …Daryl