Monday, October 10, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hello all!!!
Mason is doing extremely well. I have not seen any seizures since Saturday or a possibly a mild one on Friday that I am not sure about. That boy has become such a chatterbox!!! He has been trying to imitate everything we say. It is so amazing to see him making so much progress. Full of beans, noisy, and yet more cooperative with following some instructions.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers. It has been exactly 5 years (on the 12th) since Mason was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms, a rare form of Epilepsy, (now progressed to Lennox Gastaut Syndrome). I had started noticing the "odd movement" (early seizures) during the last week of September and first week of October in 2000.
For the last 5 years, we have seldom gone more than a few weeks without constant changes happening. Last summer was the longest break we had in the early months of the Ketogenic Diet, with Mason holding steady for a couple of months. So, being on this constant roller coaster ride makes us really covet your continued prayers. And at the same time, we are so incredibly thankful for your support. God has really been good to us in providing us with each one of you. As well as many people that we don’t even know who think of us and pray for us.
Thanksgiving weekend, five years ago, was a weekend of great fear with increasing seizures, tears and crying out to God, knowing something unknown was terribly wrong with Mason.
This Thanksgiving we are truly thankful for the goodness of God over these five years. He has really taken care of our needs and brought so many amazing people into our lives. And what an miraculous time we are in right now, after the brain surgery!! As always, we don’t know what tomorrow holds, but we rest in the One who does.

Happy Thanksgiving!! : - )
Daryl & Shirley
Asia, Sydney, and Mason

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. I was absolutely delighted and thankful with you about Mason's remarkable changes since his operation. I pray God will heal him and make him whole without any seizures - even a perhaps seizure! It's like a new birth for him and you.

May the lord continue to bless in healing Mason. In Christ's love, LaDonna R.