Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bucketful of Miracles

There are so many cool things happening with Mason!

(but I'll first let you know that we have not heard anything else from the neurologist about the final results of the testing in the hospital)

In spite of an increase in seizures over the last few months, we are still seeing amazing progress in Mason. So I'll pull a few things out of the bucket for 'show and tell'.

We walked to auntie Kim and uncle Tony's last night. We didn't use his 'stroller;/wheelchair'. Mason didn't bolt off or anything. We walked along like a regular family! Other than while he was in the hospital recently, I haven't put a diaper on Mason in quite a while! He's had a few solid accidents when he's been out in a different environment. We don't even have to remind him to go to the bathroom at all! Unless we're going out or something. Another huge bonus is that he is staying dry all night! Do you know how much less laundry I'm doing?!?! I did not expect him to be night trained at all, but apparently his night seizures do not affect his bladder control. =]

Mason will get his own bowl of cheerios. Gets his bowl, pours the cheerios, puts on a bit of brown sugar (sometimes an extra spoonful doesn't even make it to his bowl, going straight to his mouth instead), pours his goat milk, sits down and eats it.

Walks out to the bus all by himself! I watch out the window, but it's a short walk past our neighbours house, around the corner of the hedge and gets on. Learning a bit of independence.

His speech is continually improving and becoming slightly clearer. He loves singing. Current favorites: Walking along singing 'Away in a Manger' and sitting on the couch playing his guitar and singing along with 'Spongebob and Mason'.

Mason can put together 24 piece puzzles without a problem. He can also manage the remote control for TV all by himself.

There are many times that we are caught off guard by something Mason does or says. We are thoroughly enjoying these miracle bites =]


Ang said...

Wow, This is all exciting news! I'm so glad for you.

Char said...

Oh Shirley this is SO exciting! I needed to hear these things today.

There are days when I sit and look at K and wonder "when?". The fact that you are steps ahead in your journey always gives me hope.

Keep the good report coming, they are such an encouragement and testiment of God's faithfulness and proof that miracle still happen today.

shirley said...

Hey Char, We sure do have a big God! :)That was the topic in church tonight. I just sat there and enjoyed the theological aspect of what I live.

Whether God heals or does not heal, it's all part of his plan. His grand plan for us. Mason and your K are DEFINITELY not left out! That's what keeps me going in the heart crushing moments, and the long spells of seeing no progress, or when I see the seizures increasing.

For years I've said that my request for Mason to be healed has been granted. I just don't know the timing: soon, years from now, or when Mason meets Jesus face to face.

In the mean time, we thoroughly enjoy the miracles we do see.